13 Settembre 2014
L’ERSU di Catania organizza per il giorno 1 ottobre alle ore 17,00 presso l’aula Magna del rettorato, piazza Università 2 un importante convegno scientifico che avrà come relatore il prof. Joseph Gonnella MD Distinguished Professor of Medicine Center for Research in Medical Education & Health Care Dean Emeritas Jefferson Medical College – Philadelphia.
Saranno presenti:
- Giacomo Pignataro: Magnifico Rettore Università di Catania
- Enzo Bianco: Sindaco di Catania
- Francesco Basile: Presidente Scuola di Medicina di Catania
- Agostino Palmeri: Presidente Corso di Laurea Medicina e Chirurgia di Catania
Segue una breve comunicazione sulle esperienze avanzate in Sicilia di empowerment nel Servizio Sanitario Regionale:
- Remo Bonichi: Consulente AGENAS per la Regione Sicilia
- Pieremilio Vasta: Presidente Conferenza Comitati Consultivi Aziende Sanitarie Siciliane.
Aprirà i lavori il presidente dell’ERSU, Alessandro Cappellani
Il Corso di laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia riconoscerà 0,5 CFU agli studenti partecipanti. Gli studenti interessati dovranno presentare apposita domanda fornendo nome, cognome, indirizzo mail, matr. e numero cellulare a:,
I partecipanti riceveranno al termine del convegno il diploma di partecipazione
Joseph S. Gonnella, A.B., M.D.
Distinguished Professor of Medicine
Director, Center for Research in Medical Education
and Health Care
Dean Emeritus
Dr. Gonnella is the founder and Director of the Medical College’s Center for Research in Medical Education and Health Care. Dr. Gonnella has been associated with the Medical College since 1967. He was the Dean from 1984-2000.
Dr. Gonnella received his A.B. from Dartmouth College, summa cum laude, and his M.D. from Harvard Medical School.
Dr. Gonnella’s research has focused on the relationships between knowledge, capabilities, and actual clinical performance. He has developed a Disease Staging evaluation system that has been used to assess the quality and costs of health care.
He has received the following awards and honors:
- Commendatore dell’Ordine della Stella Della Solidarieta Italiana by the President of Italy
- Grande Ufficiale by the President of Italy
- Dongbaeg Medal by the President of Korea
- Presidential Medal from Dartmouth College
- Presidential Citation from Thomas Jefferson University
- Founders Award from the American College of Medical Quality
- Abraham Flexner Award from the Association of American Medical Colleges
- Honorary Doctor of Medicine degree from University of Chieti, Italy
- Honorary Doctor of Medicine from SoonChunHyang University, Seoul, Korea
- Honorary Doctor of Science from Widener University
- Honorary Professorship from Tianjin Medical College, Tianjin, China
- Distinguished Fellowship from the International Medical University, Malaysia
- Honorary Doctor of Medicine from the International Medical University, Malaysia
- Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
- Honorary Member, National Academy of Medicine, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Honorary Member, National Academy of Medicine, Mexico
- Cathedra Professor Carlos Lloyd Braga Award 2008 from the University of Minho, Portugal
- Honorary Member of the Academy of Science Institute, Bologna, Italy
- Honorary Degree in Medicine from the University of Minho, Portugal
- Honorary Degree in Medicine from the International Medical University, Malaysia